Fibronectin adsorption on oxygen plasma-treated polyurethane surfaces modulates endothelial cell response

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Fibronectin adsorption on oxygen plasma-treated polyurethane surfaces modulates endothelial cell response

Author: Daum, Ruben; Mrsic, Ivana; Hutterer, Johanna; Junginger, Achim; Hinderer, Svenja; Meixner, Alfred J.; Gauglitz, Guenter; Chasse, Thomas; Schenke-Layland, Katja
Tübinger Autor(en):
Daum, Ruben
Mrsic, Ivana
Hutterer, Johanna
Junginger, Achim
Hinderer, Svenja
Meixner, Alfred J.
Schenke-Layland, Katja
Gauglitz, Günter
Chassé, Thomas
Published in: Journal of Materials Chemistry B (2021), Bd. 9, H. 6, S. 1647-1660
Verlagsangabe: Royal Soc Chemistry
Language: English
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ISSN: 2050-7518
DDC Classifikation: 600 - Technology
Dokumentart: Article
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