European Association of Urology Section of Urolithiasis (EULIS) Consensus Statement on Simulation, Training, and Assessment in Urolithiasis

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European Association of Urology Section of Urolithiasis (EULIS) Consensus Statement on Simulation, Training, and Assessment in Urolithiasis

Author: Ahmed, Kamran; Patel, Sachin; Aydin, Abdullatif; Veneziano, Domenico; van Cleynenbreugel, Ben; Goezen, Ali Serdar; Skolarikos, Andreas; Sietz, Christian; Lahme, Sven; Knoll, Thomas; Palou Redorta, Juan; Somani, Bhaskar Kumar; Sanguedolce, Francesco; Liatsikos, Evangelos; Rassweiler, Jens; Khan, Muhammad Shamim; Dasgupta, Prokar; Sarica, Kemal
Tübinger Autor(en):
Knoll, Thomas
Published in: European Urology Focus (2018), Bd. 4, H. 4, S. 614-620
Verlagsangabe: Elsevier
Language: English
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ISSN: 2405-4569
DDC Classifikation: 610 - Medicine and health
Dokumentart: Article
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