The role of Neonatologist Performed Echocardiography in the assessment and management of neonatal shock

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The role of Neonatologist Performed Echocardiography in the assessment and management of neonatal shock

Author: de Boode, Willem P.; van der Lee, Robin; Eriksen, Beate Horsberg; Nestaas, Eirik; Dempsey, Eugene; Singh, Yogen; Austin, Topun; El-Khuffash, Afif; Bohlin, K.; Bravo, M. C.; Breatnach, C. R.; Breindahl, M.; Groves, A. M.; Gupta, S.; Levy, P. T.; McNamara, P. J.; Molnar, Z.; Rogerson, S. R.; Roehr, C. C.; Savoia, M.; Schubert, U.; Schwarz, C. E.; Sehgal, A.; Slieker, M. G.; Tissot, C.; van Laere, D.; van Overmeire, B.; van Wyk, L.
Tübinger Autor(en):
Schwarz, Christoph E.
Published in: Pediatric Research (2018), Bd. 84, H. Suppl. S
Verlagsangabe: Nature Publishing Group
Language: English
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ISSN: 1530-0447
DDC Classifikation: 610 - Medicine and health
Dokumentart: Article
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