Bile Microinfarcts in Cholestasis Are Initiated by Rupture of the Apical Hepatocyte Membrane and Cause Shunting of Bile to Sinusoidal Blood

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Bile Microinfarcts in Cholestasis Are Initiated by Rupture of the Apical Hepatocyte Membrane and Cause Shunting of Bile to Sinusoidal Blood

Author: Ghallab, Ahmed; Hofmann, Ute; Sezgin, Selahaddin; Vartak, Nachiket; Hassan, Reham; Zaza, Ayham; Godoy, Patricio; Schneider, Kai Markus; Guenther, Georgia; Ahmed, Yasser A.; Abbas, Aya A.; Keitel, Verena; Kuepfer, Lars; Dooley, Steven; Lammert, Frank; Trautwein, Christian; Spiteller, Michael; Drasdo, Dirk; Hofmann, Alan F.; Jansen, Peter L. M.; Hengstler, Jan G.; Reif, Raymond
Tübinger Autor(en):
Hofmann, Ute
Published in: Hepatology (2019), Bd. 69, H. 2, S. 666-683
Verlagsangabe: Wiley
Language: English
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ISSN: 1527-3350
DDC Classifikation: 610 - Medicine and health
Dokumentart: Article
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