Additive Manufacturing: A Comparative Analysis of Dimensional Accuracy and Skin Texture Reproduction of Auricular Prostheses Replicas

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Additive Manufacturing: A Comparative Analysis of Dimensional Accuracy and Skin Texture Reproduction of Auricular Prostheses Replicas

Author: Unkovskiy, Alexey; Spintzyk, Sebastian; Axmann, Detlef; Engel, Eva-Maria; Weber, Heiner; Huettig, Fabian
Tübinger Autor(en):
Unkovskiy, Alexey
Spintzyk, Sebastian
Axmann, Detlef
Engel, Eva
Weber, Heiner
Hüttig, Fabian
Published in: Journal of Prosthodontics - Implant Esthetic and Reconstructive Dentistry (2019), Bd. 28, H. 2, S. E460-E468
Verlagsangabe: Wiley
Language: English
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ISSN: 1532-849X
DDC Classifikation: 610 - Medicine and health
Dokumentart: Article
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