G7LDB - Gregory 7th Letter Database
Database of the Letters of Pope Gregory VII (1073-1085): Which letter is in which collection?

Registrum V, 14a - visualisation of tradition

Hypothetical collection pReg V, 14aHypothetical collection gReg V, 14aHypothetical collection haReg V, 14aAnnalista SaxoReg V, 14aBeno of San Silvestro, Gesta Romanae ecclesia contra HildebrandumReg V, 14aBerthold, ChronicleReg V, 14aCodex UdalriciReg V, 14aFlorence Plutei.16.15Reg V, 14aHannover CollectionReg V, 14aHugh of Flavigny, ChroniconReg V, 14aLeipzig 201Reg V, 14aLiber pontificalisReg V, 14aNamur 5Reg V, 14aPaul of Bernried, Vita Gregorii VIIReg V, 14aRegister of Gregory VIIReg V, 14aRome Vatican 1321Reg V, 14aWolfenbüttel CollectionReg V, 14a