G7LDB - Gregory 7th Letter Database
Database of the Letters of Pope Gregory VII (1073-1085): Which letter is in which collection?


Berthold, Chronicle

Common name of collectionBerthold, Chronicle
Type of collectionNarrative source (explanation and all of this type)
Date (relevant parts)between 1075 and 1088
Bibliographical referenceBerthold von Reichenau – Chronik, in: Die Chroniken Bertholds von Reichenau und Bernolds von Konstanz. 1054 - 1100, ed. Ian Robinson (MGH Scriptores rerum Germanicarum. Nova Series 14, Hannover 2003) S. 161-381.
(4 different items)
Name of letter Number, page, chapter... within collection Textual features

Ep. vagans 8

a. 1075, p. 222

About the half (interpolated or mixed with another letter?)

Registrum V, 14a (No 'real' letter)

a. 1078, p. 319

Just very vague verbal similarities. Other than that, just a paraphrasis

Registrum VI, 5b (No 'real' letter)

a. 1078, p. 340-344

Ep. vagans 32

a. 1079, p. 352-353

A fragment