G7LDB - Gregory 7th Letter Database
Database of the Letters of Pope Gregory VII (1073-1085): Which letter is in which collection?


Ep. vagans 18

Common name of letterEp. vagans 18
Pages in Cowdrey's edition from 48 to 50
Number in JL 5014
Type of document(Normal) letter
(from Cowdrey's edition)
Gregory further seeks German support for his journey to Augsburg.
Date of issue1076 December
Address lines Gregorius episcopus servus servorum Dei omnibus archiepiscopis episcopis abbatibus ducibus marchionibus comitibus omnibusque christianam et beati Petri apostolorum principis fidem et doctrinam defendentibus et observantibus in omni regno Teutonicorum salutem et beatorum apostolorum Petri et Pauli benedictionem omniumque peccatorum absolutionem
IncipitEgo qualiscumque sacerdos...
CommentaryCf. Fried 2012 especially p. 111-112.
Is included in
(10 different items)
Name of collection Copied from here by Number, page, chapter... within collection Textual features Fons formalis

Codex Udalrici

NO 146, col. 149
In Ecard's edition Ep. vagans 14 is also numbered 146

Hypothetical collection g

Hannover Collection

NO 8

Hypothetical collection ha

Hugh of Flavigny, Chronicon

book 2, p. 444

Hypothetical collection g

Codex Udalrici

Wolfenbüttel Collection

Hypothetical collection p

Hypothetical collection ha

Leipzig 201

Hannover Collection

Hypothetical collection p

Hypothetical collection p

Hypothetical collection ha

Hypothetical collection g

Leipzig 201

fol. 171v

Hypothetical collection ha

Manegold of Lautenbach, Liber ad Gebehardum

cap. 11, p. 333

just a few words

Paul of Bernried, Vita Gregorii VII

cap. 83, p. 524

Wolfenbüttel Collection

NO 11, fol. 38r

Hypothetical collection g

Show visualisation of tradition

Items with a reference to this letter

Leipzig 201

Ep. vagans 14