G7LDB - Gregory 7th Letter Database
Database of the Letters of Pope Gregory VII (1073-1085): Which letter is in which collection?


Ep. vagans 14

Common name of letterEp. vagans 14
Pages in Cowdrey's edition from 32 to 40
Number in JL 4999
Type of document(Normal) letter
(from Cowdrey's edition)
To all the faithful in Germany: in answer to those who doubt the justice of his excommunication of Henry IV Gregory VII sets out in detail the grounds of his sentence.
Date of issue between 1076 June 01 and 1076 September 30
Address lines Gregorius episcopus servus servorum Dei omnibus episcopis ducibus comitibus ceterisque fidelibus in regno Theutonicorum christianam fidem defendentibus salutem et apostolicam benedictionem
IncipitAudivimus quosdam inter vos...
Is included in
(16 different items)
Name of collection Copied from here by Number, page, chapter... within collection Textual features Fons formalis

Annalista Saxo

a. 1076, p. 440-442

Bruno, Bellum Saxonicum

Bernold of Constance, Apologeticus

Mix of small quotations and paraphrasis

Bruno, Bellum Saxonicum

Annalista Saxo

cap. 72, p. 62-66

Worse text version (cf. ►C. Schwaderer, Gab es eine Hystoria Gebhards von Salzburg?)

Codex Udalrici

NO 146, col. 146-149
In Ecard's edition Ep. vagans 18 is also numbered 146

Hypothetical collection g

Frutolf of Michelsberg, Chronicle

p. 86

Just a part and substantially altered

Hypothetical collection p

Gerhoch of Reichersberg, De investigatione Antichristi

cap. 19, p. 326-328

Hannover Collection

NO 7

Hypothetical collection ha

Hugh of Flavigny, Chronicon

book 2, p. 424-425

Just a part. But with videret instead of conspiceret as Bruno, Bellum Saxonicum

Hugh of Flavigny, Chronicon

book 2, p. 430

Just a part. With colon dum.. coegit

Hugh of Flavigny, Chronicon

book 2, p. 439-440

Without colon dum.. coegit

Hypothetical collection g

Codex Udalrici

Wolfenbüttel Collection

Hypothetical collection p

Hypothetical collection ha

Hannover Collection

Hypothetical collection p

Hypothetical collection p

Hypothetical collection ha

Frutolf of Michelsberg, Chronicle

Hypothetical collection g

Königsberg fragment

p. 186-188

Not complete

Manegold of Lautenbach, Liber ad Gebehardum

cap. 11, p. 333

just a few words

Manegold of Lautenbach, Liber ad Gebehardum

cap. 28, p. 359-361

Paul of Bernried, Vita Gregorii VII

cap. 78, p. 517-521

Sélestat 13

fol. 58v-59v

Written not by the main hand, end of the 11th century (Robinson 1978 S. 65)

Wolfenbüttel Collection

NO 10, fol. 37r-38r

Hypothetical collection g

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Item with a reference to this letter

Ep. vagans 18