Individual: CU

Sex: male

Age: 40-50 years

Burial Type: primary flexed left

Orientation of Burial: Orientation: SE-NW

Description: CR/CS/CU/XB, primary burial of at least 5 individuals, 4 adults and one subadult. The multiple burial was partly disturbed. The corpses were buried close together in a flexed position lying on the left side. From a male skeleton (CU) only the skull and upper left part of the body was preserved. Another male skeleton (CR) in front of it was almost undisturbed with the right hand placed on its left shoulder. The upper parts of the next two corpses, a male (CS) and a female (XB), were disturbed. The left hand of XB rested on the hip. Small bone fragments of a child were found scattered over the place. CU had a necklace made of disc-beads. His skull is weathered and fragmentary, the cervical spine, the left clavicle, left shoulder and left arm are preserved. The maxilla shows canine fossae. Periodontal disease and periapical abscess (RM2).


sample ID skeletal element 18 O 13 C 87/86 Sr
sample ID skeletal element 18 O 13 C 87/86 Sr
567 M1 -1.8698 -5.44 0.7087
568 M3 -2.0316 -4.8 0.7086

Previous: Individual 95 (CT) Next: Individual 97 (CV)