Individual: AD

Sex: female ?

Age: 30-35 years

Burial Type: secondary

Orientation of Burial: Orientation: NEN Line of vision: NEN

Description: AC/AC1/AC2/AC3/AD/AD1/EA/EB, secondary burial of at least 8 individuals. The skull is moderately well preserved; the mandible is absent. The post-cranial skeleton is almost complete, ribs, vertebrae, shoulder and pelvis are very fragmentary. Hyperostosis frontalis interna. Flattening of post-bregmatic area is observable. Additional measurements: least nasal breadth: 12 mm; interorbital breadth: 23 mm Height Estimation: 162,00 (Trotter & Gleser 1952).

Previous: Individual 8 (AC3) Next: Individual 10 (AD1)