Individual: AC

Sex: female

Age: 17-18 years, the epiphyses of distal humerus, femur head and greater trochanter are fused; the epiphysis of the lesser trochanter and annular rings of vertebrae are in stage of fusion

Burial Type: secondary

Orientation of Burial: Orientation: NE-SW

Description: AC/AC1/AC2/AC3/AD/AD1/EA/EB, secondary burial of at least 8 individuals. The almost complete skeleton is generally well preserved. The mandible, right clavicle and left tibia are missing, vertebrae and ribs are very fragmentary. The post-bregmatic region is flattened. The femora show a noticeable dorso-ventral curvature. The interior surface of the fifth cervical vertebra reveals a lesion of c. 10mm caused by an abscess. Body Height Estimation: 154,00 (Trotter & Gleser 1952).

Previous: Individual 4 (AB) Next: Individual 6 (AC1)