Individual: YJ

Sex: male ?

Age: ca. 40 years

Burial Type: unknown

Orientation of Burial: Orientation: NNE-SSW

Description: The cranial vault, maxilla, and mandible are very fragmentary. From the infra-cranial skeleton ribs, clavicles, left pelvis, and fragments from the upper and lower limbs – lacking the right ulna, left humerus, and left tibia – are preserved. The skull is large with noticeable parietal eminences. The right frontal bone shows a vertical postmortem abrasion on the outer table. An unhealed depression fracture (about 50 mm in diameter), which crosses the sagittal suture, is detectable on the fragmentary remains from the right and left parietal bones. The wound was caused by blunt force injury and is located on the anterior part of the sagittal suture (3 cm behind the bregma). The area at the bregma reveals signs of a chronic osteomyelitis on the external surface of the frontal bone. Dental disease: Antemortem tooth loss of the right upper third molar is detectable. Body Height Estimation: 174,00 (Trotter & Gleser 1952)


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