Individual: YC

Sex: male ?

Age: >19 years

Burial Type: primary flexed right

Orientation of Burial: Orientation: ENE-WSW

Description: The lower articulated part of a burial was unearthed. The upper part of the skeleton including skull, trunk and arms was missing due to disturbance. The lower limbs were flexed and lying on the right side. The right pelvic bone, right upper and lower leg, left lower leg, feet, left first metacarpal, a fragmentary rib, and a lumbar vertebra are moderately well preserved. The left foot reveals evidence of gouty arthritis of the first metatarsal-phalangeal joint; the right foot shows no signs of arthritis. Body Height Estimation: 177,00 cm (Trotter & Gleser 1952).

Previous: Individual 461 (YA) Next: Individual 464 (YF)