Individual: LQ

Sex: female

Age: Ca. 30 years

Burial Type: primary flexed right

Orientation of Burial: Orientation W-E

Description: A distinct burial pit contained an articulated skeleton and some disarticulated long bones pushed together on its southern end. The articulated burial was laid in a flexed position on its right side facing SSE. The hands rested close to the face. Disc-beads and a pierced pearl were found around the neck of LQ. The skull is fragmentary but almost completely preserved. The gracile post-cranial skeleton is lacking the left Os coxa, left femur, and both tibiae.The cranium is long and exhibits a post-bregmatic depression. Body Height Estimation: 157,00 (Trotter & Gleser 1952).


Previous: Individual 340 (LP) Next: Individual 342 (LQ1)