Individual: LN

Sex: female

Age: 20–25 years (medial epiphysis of clavicle unfused)

Burial Type: primary flexed left

Orientation of Burial: Orientation S-W

Description: The deceased was placed on the left side with the head pointing to the south. The arms were folded over the chest; the lower part of the skeleton was missing due to disturbance. Adornments in the form of re a necklace and a bracelet made of disc-beads were associated to the individual. Small disc-beads were discovered below the head, and snail shells adorned the waist. Skull, shoulders, spine, ribs, and hands are fragmentary; arms and clavicles are in good condition.The maxilla reveals canine fossae; the lower margin of the nasal aperture is continuously rounded. Much stronger development of the right humerus than of the left humerus is reflecting right-handedness. The individual exhibits two unhealed cranial fractures on the forehead. A semicircular puncture extending 13 x 7 mm is located 3 cm above the middle of the right orbit. A somewhat larger depression fracture caused by blunt force injury is located on the frontal bone close to the coronal suture, just left of the bregma. It is round in shape (26 mm in diameter) and reveals internal bevelling. Concentric fracture lines around the hole are also visible. The left orbit displays cribra orbitalia (type 1). Body Height Estimation: 167,00 (Trotter & Gleser 1952).


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