Individual: LI

Sex: female

Age: 35-45 years (dentition)

Burial Type: secondary

Orientation of Burial:

Description: LH/LI/LJ/LM, secondary burial of at least 5 individuals. Mainly long bones – formed a regular bone pile. Ribs, vertebrae, and bones from hands and feet were missing. A number of long bones displayed ancient postmortem fractures. The MNI was estimated on the basis of mandibular parts. Some of the post-cranial remains were assigned to a particular mandible according to sex determination. The burial complex was placed above a fire pit. LI: A well preserved right side of the mandible, the distal part of the right humerus shaft, right and left femur shaft, as well as a right tibia shaft probably belong to the same female individual.


Previous: Individual 329 (LH) Next: Individual 331 (LI1)