Individual: KX

Sex: female ?

Age: 25-35 years

Burial Type: primary flexed right

Orientation of Burial:

Description: KW/KX, primary burial. A double burial of two adults was brought to light. The corpses were placed in a flexed position on their right sides. The right arm of KW was extended beside the body and the left hand rested on the hip of the woman (KX) in front of KW. The arms of KX were missing. Burial KW was decorated with a carnelian bead at the left temporal bone, and a bracelet made of disc-beads at the left wrist. Snail shells adorned the cranium and the waist of KX. An extremely fragmentary skull, clavicles, ribs, cervical vertebrae, left pelvic bone, and lower limbs are present.

Previous: Individual 315 (KW) Next: Individual 317 (KY)