Individual: KT

Sex: female

Age: 40-50 years

Burial Type: secondary

Orientation of Burial: Orientation E-W

Description: The skull was placed between parallel long bones standing on its base and facing west. The pelvic bones delimited the pile. A fire pit was located east of the disarticulated burial. The cranial vault, the diaphyses of the right radius, right ulna, femora, fibulae, and the pelvic bones are fragmentary and crushed. The vault displays a post-bregmatic depression. The gluteal ridges of the femora are strongly marked. A lytic lesion (~10 mm in diameter) on the auricular surface of the right pelvic bone is possibly the result of a trauma associated with childbirth, (the left auticular surface is missing.) Body Height Estimation: 154,00 (Trotter & Gleser 1952).


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