Individual: KG

Sex: female ?

Age: ca. 60 years

Burial Type: primary flexed right

Orientation of Burial:

Description: KE/KF/KG/YL, primary multiple brial. Three adults were buried together in a flexed position on their right sides facing north; the arms were raised towards the heads. The lower half of the inhumation was completely disturbed. Fragmentary remains of a child (YL) were discovered between the arms of KE. Remains of a second child (KF1) were found with the skeleton of KF KG: The left side of the skull is better preserved than the right side. The left arm is in good condition; fragments from the cervical vertebrae, ribs, shoulder girdle, and right arm are present.The temporal line is marked; the sagittal suture is slightly depressed (age related). Granular foveae are visible at the bregma. A well consolidated fracture of the distal shaft of the left ulna (parry fracture) and age related atrophy of the mandible can be detected. Examination of the dentition shows abscess formation of LP2 and antemortem tooth loss of the lower molars (LM1, LM2, is visible LM3, RM2) is observable. Cribra orbitalia is detectable in the right orbit (type 1).


Previous: Individual 298 (KF1) Next: Individual 300 (KH)