Individual: KB

Sex: female ?

Age: 15–17 years (according to dental development).

Burial Type: primary flexed right

Orientation of Burial: Orientation W-E

Description: The corpse of a juvenile was lying on the right side. In contrast to other burials it was oriented the other way round: The skull pointed to the west and the face was turned to the south. The arms were raised to the head, the upper legs were semiflexed, the lower legs flexed. Many small disc-beads adorned the head and a carnelian bead was found below the chin. A second carnelian bead was adherent to the right temporal bone. Disc-beads and snail shells formed a loincloth. The cranium is in bad condition, the left side is somewhat better preserved, the left mandible is present. The post-cranium is very gracile, the arms and legs are sintered, cervical vertebrae, ribs and pelvic bones are very fragile.


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