Individual: IS

Sex: male

Age: 40-50 years

Burial Type: secondary

Orientation of Burial: Orientation E-W

Description: IS/IU, secondary burial. East of a pile of long bones a fragmentary male skull was discovered. Both humeri and the right tibia contained in the pile were very gracile whereas the left femur was very robust. The gracile bones were assigned to a female the robust bones to a male individual. The skull is very fragmentary, only the left mandible is in good condition. From the post-cranial skeleton a well preserved left femur shaft remains. The adductor tubercle of the femur is strongly marked; this is the attachment point for the adductor magnus muscle. Thickening of the cranial vault is observable (hyperostosis frontalis interna). Examination of the dentition reveals periodontal disease and an alveolar abscess of LM1. Body Height Estimation: 170,00 (Trotter & Gleser 1952).

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