Individual: AS

Sex: male ?

Age: 30-40 years

Burial Type: unknown

Orientation of Burial:

Description: AS/AT/AU. An inverted cranium (AT) was flanked to the right by a skull (AU), which was placed on its base facing east, and to the left by another cranial vault (AS) oriented to the ESE. Scattered fragments of mandibles were found with the skulls. The MNI was estimated on the basis of cranial and mandibular parts. Fragments from the frontal and parietal bones are present. The cranium is house-shaped. The posterior-superior part of left parietal bone exhibits definite signs of an unhealed skull fracture caused by blunt force. The full extent of the trauma is not observable due to the fragmentary preservation of the bone; but it appears that the injury must have been round- or oval-shaped with a diameter of about 6 to 8 cm.

Previous: Individual 27 (AR) Next: Individual 29 (AS1)