Individual: HZ

Sex: male ?

Age: 20-40 years

Burial Type: unknown

Orientation of Burial:

Description: The remains of at least two adults and an infant (HZ/HZ1/HZ2) were huddled together haphazardly. Adult skeletal elements were separated according to overall robustness. From HZ fragments remain from the right parietal and occipital bones. The axis, the ribs, the right arm, left radius, and the lower limbs are also fragmentary. The linea aspera of the right femur is pronounced and shifted toward the midline. The linea aspera is the primary origin site for the vastus muscles and insertion site of the adductors of the hip. Both femora are bowed antero-posteriorly (osteomalacia?). The dens and the articular surfaces of the ribs reveal signs of osteo-arthritis. Body Height Estimation: 181,00 (Trotter & Gleser 1952).


Previous: Individual 263 (HY) Next: Individual 265 (HZ1)