Individual: HX

Sex: female ?

Age: 25-35 years

Burial Type: primary flexed right

Orientation of Burial: Orientation: ESE

Description: The corpse was laid on its right side, the legs were flexed, the arms were raised toward the head. The face was turned to the north. The body was decorated with a necklace made of tubular- and small disc-beads. The skull is fragmentary. The left arm is well preserved. Fragments from the spine, ribs, clavicles, pelvis, right lower leg, left leg, hands and feet are also present.The nasal aperture is continuously rounded. The right frontal bone shows sings of an ancient postmortem fracture. Examination of the dentition reveals linear enamel hypoplasia. The frontal sinuses exhibit evidence of sinusitis. An osteoma is located on the glabella. The spine displays signs of degenerative disc disease. Body Height Estimation: 163,00 (Trotter & Gleser 1952).


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