Individual: HR

Sex: ?

Age: 6-7 years

Burial Type: unknown

Orientation of Burial:

Description: EW/HR, secondary burial. Two skulls of an adult and a child were unearthed below a complex of disturbed burials (CE/CF/CG/CQ). The adult skull (EW) was lying on the left side facing east; the subadult skull (HR) was standing on the base with the face turned to the east as well. Whether the scattered long bones belonged to the adult individual was unclear. The neurocranium and left maxilla are in fragile condition. Both upper first molars have an accessory fifth cusp (metaconule). The teeth show severe dental enamel hypoplasia (type 3–4) reflecting a stress episode which began at an age of five years and lasted until the death of the child.

Previous: Individual 255 (HQ1) Next: Individual 257 (HS)