Individual: GA

Sex: male

Age: 18-25 years (medial epiphysis of clavicle unfused)

Burial Type: primary flexed right

Orientation of Burial: Orientation: S-N

Description: An articulated burial was positioned on the right side the head pointing to the south. The back of the body was bent; the lower part of the skeleton was missing. A necklace was uncovered made of snail shells. More snail shells were found adherent to the occipital bone and to the ribs. The skull is fragmentary. The post-cranium is represented by the shoulder girdle, cervical spine, ribs, left humerus, and right ulna, as well as by metacarpals and phalanges from the right and left hand. The left canine fossa is marked; the supramastoid crest is extremely developed. Examination of the dentition reveals microdontia of the upper third molar.


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