Individual: AL

Sex: female

Age: 14-16 years according to dental development; epiphyses of hand phalanges unfused

Burial Type: primary flexed right

Orientation of Burial: Orientation: E-W

Description: Burial of 5 individuals, together with AK, FO, GG, GI. The multiple burial consisted of five articulated skeletons. The corpses were buried close together lying partly in each other’s arms. They were placed on their right sides with bent legs, their heads directed to the east, the face oriented to the NNW. The rightmost individual was a man (FO). Tightly in front of him lay a woman (GG) whose left arm was placed on the body of another female juvenile (AL) to her left. The next individual was a second man (AK), a third male skeleton (GI) was for the most part destroyed by later burials. AL: The female wore a necklace and a bracelet made of disc-beads and tubular beads. Small snail shells recovered between her ribs were most likely once studded on a dress. The left part of the skull is quite well preserved; the right part is very badly preserved. The post-cranium is very fragmentary; the left tibia and foot are missing. The skull shape is small and long. The mandible shows crowding of the incisors.


Previous: Individual 17 (AK) Next: Individual 19 (AM)