Individual: FJ

Sex: male ?

Age: 30-40 years

Burial Type: primary flexed right

Orientation of Burial: S-E

Description: FJ/GQ, primary burial. A double burial was excavated. A man (FJ) was placed right behind a woman (GQ), both lying on their right sides with the heads pointing to the south-east. The legs were semi-flexed, the arms stretched in front of the bodies. The left hand of GQ rested on her left knee. Adornments: Snail shells were found around the hips of FJ and GQ forming loincloths. Small disc-beads and snail shells were adherent to the cranium of GQ. The skull of FJ is very fragile and deformed. The post-cranium is almost completely represented but fragmentary; the right arm is missing and only the left forearm is in good condition. The parietal eminences are extremely marked. The shape of the chin is identical to the chin of GX. The frontal bone shows evidence of an ancient postmortem fracture on the right side. The ectocranial surface of the left frontal bone exhibits a small impression of 9 mm in diameter, with a depth of 2 mm. The lesion probably results from a healed punctiform fracture.


sample ID skeletal element 18 O 13 C 87/86 Sr
sample ID skeletal element 18 O 13 C 87/86 Sr
770 M1 -0.1901 -4.46 0.7086
771 M3 -1.9584 -4.6 0.7086

Previous: Individual 178 (FI) Next: Individual 180 (FK)