Individual: FE

Sex: male

Age: 40-60 years

Burial Type: unknown

Orientation of Burial:

Description: The burial was completely disturbed: a skull and very small fragments of the post-cranium were left. The skull is ovoid shaped; viewed from norma occipitalis it reveals a nuchal torus. The endocranial surface reveals marked vascular grooves. The skull is severely deformed. Very small fragments of the post-cranium remain. An unhealed fracture (blunt force injury) can be seen in the middle of the left parietal bone. The lesion is pear-shaped, about 5 cm long and 3 cm wide. The cranial vault also shows a slightly increased porosity (porotic hyperostosis) at the bregma. A small osteoma of 15 mm in diameter is observable on the right parietal bone. Dental disease: An alveolar abscess of LM1 is detectable.


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