Individual: FA

Sex: female

Age: 20–25 years (iliac crest unfused)

Burial Type: secondary

Orientation of Burial: Orientation: S-N

Description: FA/FB, secondary burial. Two skulls were placed on top of a bone pile consisting of infra-cranial remains of at least three adult individuals. Faces were oriented to the south. A well-preserved skull of a young female is present. The very gracile post-cranium, which is in good condition and was found near the skull, belongs most likely to the same individual. The cervical spine displays incomplete fusion of the posterior neural arch of C-7 (spina bifida occulta); the neural arches of the thoracic and lumbar spine are fused. The cranium is small and round with post-bregmatic flattening and extremely marked parietal eminences. The maxilla displays slightly expressed canine fossae. Body Height Estimation: 157,00 (Trotter & Gleser 1952)


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