Individual: ET

Sex: female ?

Age: 20-30 years

Burial Type: secondary

Orientation of Burial: Line of Vision: NWN

Description: Part of a burial of 6 secondary burials. Possibly brought to BHS18 as "mummies". Many skeletal elements were still in order, only parts of the bones were placed in a way, that was not in anatomical order. The skull is fragmentary, the mandible is relatively well preserved. Most of the infracranial elements are preserved, the right clavicle, tibia and fibula as well as the feet and the left fibula are missin. Theg cranial vault is relatively large but quite thin. The left temporal bone shows strong development of the temporalis muscle attachment. The internal surface displays granular foveae near the sagittal suture. Body Height Estimation: 157,00 (Greatest length femur 440mm)(Pearson)



sample ID skeletal element 18 O 13 C 87/86 Sr
sample ID skeletal element 18 O 13 C 87/86 Sr
592 M1 -1.0789 -3.96 0.7087
593 M3 -2.049 -4.0 0.7087

Previous: Individual 158 (ES) Next: Individual 160 (EU)