Individual: EH

Sex: female ?

Age: 16-18 years (epiphyseal union, dentition)

Burial Type: secondary

Orientation of Burial: Orientation E-W

Description: A pile of disarticulated bones was found next to the burial of DX/DY. The skull lay east of the pile; the position of it could not be reconstructed. The cranium is fragmentary; the mandible is in very good condition. The well-preserved infra-cranial skeleton is lacking the right arm. The cranial shape is small and long. Both lower third molars are erupted above a line of occlusion. Both tibia shafts show lamellar bone formation. Body Height Estimation: 167,00 (Trotter & Gleser 1952).


sample ID skeletal element 18 O 13 C 87/86 Sr
sample ID skeletal element 18 O 13 C 87/86 Sr
536 M1 -1.335 -5.98 0.7087
537 M3 -2.2918 -5.3 0.7087

Previous: Individual 147 (EG) Next: Individual 149 (EI)