Individual: EE

Sex: female ?

Age: 30-40 years

Burial Type: primary flexed right

Orientation of Burial: Orientation: ESE-WNW

Description: Primary burial. The undisturbed burial lay in a flexed position on the right side with the skull in the east facing north. The posture of the left hand suggests that the deceased was holding some object, which was made of perishable material. Adornments: The burial was richly adorned with over 2500 beads made of either shell or stone. Several hundreds of tiny disc-beads and nine pearls were found around the skull and were probably braided into the hair. A necklace was made of disc-beads and alternating black and white tubular beads. Bracelets adorned the wrists and elbows. The many snail shells (Ancilla cf. farsiana) found around the waist must originally have been studded on a loincloth. The skeleton is almost complete. The entire right side of the skeleton is badly preserved due to weathering, the left side is in good condition. The skull is deformed by means of compaction. Stature 158 cm (Trotter & Gleser 1952). The skeleton is exhibited as a cast in the Archaeological Museum Sharjah (UAE).


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