Individual: ED

Sex: male ?

Age: 20-30 years

Burial Type: primary flexed right

Orientation of Burial: Orientation: SE-NW

Description: A flexed, primary burial was unearthed lying on the right side with the head pointing to the east. The right hand was put under the head; the left hand was placed on the hip. Below the burial a fire pit was discovered. Adornments: Small disc-beads were found around the head, which were probably braided into the hair. Two necklaces and bracelets were made of disc-beads and tubular beads. More beads were found around the hip and the left elbow.The left tibia is platycnemic. Except for the left pelvic bone, femur, and foot, all skeletal elements are represented. The bones, however, are extremely fragmentary and brittle. Fragments from the right part of the skull and from the right hand are black due to short-term exposure to fire at a temperature of 300–400 degrees centigrade. The right hand reveals a healed fracture of the first metacarpal (thumb; boxer’s fracture).


Previous: Individual 142 (EB) Next: Individual 144 (ED1)