Individual: DW

Sex: female

Age: 40-50 years

Burial Type: unknown

Orientation of Burial:

Description: Secondary burial, the skull was situated on the base and the face was turned to the south-east. No post-cranial bones were found. The sediment below the skull was black. No associated post-cranial bones were found.The skull is dolichocran; the maxilla displays marked canine fossae. Two healed depression fractures are visible at the skull on the sagittal suture. The anterior fracture seems to have been surgically treated, with the help of a trepanation. Depressed bone-fragments were alleviated. Judging by the formation of new bone up to 8 mm, the healing process after the successful operation lasted at least half a year. Dental pathology: The mandible shows an abscess at the apex of the first molar on the left side.


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