Individual: DT

Sex: male

Age: 55-65 years

Burial Type: secondary

Orientation of Burial: Orientation: EW

Description: DT/DU, secondary burial. Skull DT and a second inverted skull (DU) were placed east of an irregular bone pile. DT was situated on its base facing east. The almost complete skeleton is generally well preserved but shoulders, pelvis, and vertebrae are fragmentary. The skull is small-sized with extremely marked temporal lines. Both femora show very strong development of the gluteal tuberosity. Signs of myositis ossificans (enthesiopathy) are detectable on the interosseus crest of the right fibula. The skull reveals biparietal thinning. The vertebrae display evidence of spondylarthrosis grade 1. Body Height Estimation: 167,00 (Trotter & Gleser 1952)

Previous: Individual 133 (DS1) Next: Individual 135 (DU)