Individual: DN

Sex: female

Age: 16-18 years (dentition and epiphyseal union)

Burial Type: secondary

Orientation of Burial: Orientation: SE-NW

Description: Almost the complete skeleton is represented and in good condition. Only the right ulna, the right pelvic bone, and the majority of hand- and feet-bones are missing.Viewed from top, the cranial vault is round in shape, and viewed from norma occipitalis, it is house-shaped. Body Height Estimation: 154,00 (Trotter & Gleser 1952)


sample ID skeletal element 18 O 13 C 87/86 Sr
sample ID skeletal element 18 O 13 C 87/86 Sr
582 M1 -2.2165 -3.65 0.7087
583 M3 -2.0684 -5.98 0.7087

Previous: Individual 125 (DM) Next: Individual 127 (DO)