Individual: DI

Sex: female

Age: 20-30 years

Burial Type: primary flexed right

Orientation of Burial: Orientation SE-NW

Description: Primary burial. The burial was properly articulated lying on the right side, the right hand placed close to the face. The lower part could not be reconstructed due to disturbance. DI wore a necklace consisting of disc-beads and black and white tubular beads. A bracelet on the right wrist was also made of large disc-beads. The cranium is fragile, the mandible is missing. Furthermore, small fragments from the shoulders, right arm, ribs, spine, and right hand are preserved.The skull is small-sized and rhomboid in shape. The better preserved left part of the maxilla shows a marked canine fossa and retention of the canine (LC1).


Previous: Individual 116 (DH3) Next: Individual 118 (DJ)