Individual: DF

Sex: female

Age: 20-30 years

Burial Type: secondary

Orientation of Burial:

Description: DE/DF, secondary burial of at least 4 individuals. DE/DF, secondary burial. Two skulls were placed east of a bone pile, which contained the remains of at least four individuals. Standing on the base, skull DE was facing east, and skull DF was facing northwest. DF: Extrenmely gracile left humerus, femora and right tibia, gracile cranium and mandible. The skull is dolichocran and house-shaped, when viewed from norma occipitalis (like skull DE). Both femora display undeveloped lineae asperae. Body Height Estimation: 157,00 (Trotter & Gleser 1952).

Previous: Individual 109 (DE1) Next: Individual 111 (DF1)