G7LDB - Gregory 7th Letter Database
Database of the Letters of Pope Gregory VII (1073-1085): Which letter is in which collection?

Registrum VII, 14a - visualisation of tradition

Hypothetical collection pReg VII, 14aHypothetical collection gReg VII, 14aHypothetical collection haReg VII, 14aCodex UdalriciReg VII, 14aFrutolf of Michelsberg, ChronicleReg VII, 14aHannover CollectionReg VII, 14aHugh of Flavigny, ChroniconReg VII, 14aReg VII, 14aReg VII, 14aReg VII, 14aLiber pontificalisReg VII, 14aManegold of Lautenbach, Liber ad GebehardumReg VII, 14aPaul of Bernried, Vita Gregorii VIIReg VII, 14aRegister of Gregory VIIReg VII, 14aSanktgallen 676Reg VII, 14aWolfenbüttel CollectionReg VII, 14a