G7LDB - Gregory 7th Letter Database
Database of the Letters of Pope Gregory VII (1073-1085): Which letter is in which collection?


Registrum IV, 6

Common name of letterRegistrum IV, 6
Pages in Caspar's edition from 303 to 304 (►dMGH)
Number in JL 5006
Type of document(Normal) letter
(from Caspar's edition)
Gregory VII answers Bishop Henry of Liège regarding Bishop William of Utrecht who had recently died: If William had never changed his mind before his death, the ban may not be solved.
Place of issueRome
Date of issue1076 October 28
Address lines GREGORIUS episcopus servus servorum Dei Heinrico Leodicensi episcopo salutem et apostolicam benedictionem
IncipitQuod de causa Willelmi Traiectensis episcopi...
Datum line Data Rome V Kalendas Novembris Indictione XV
Is included in
Name of collectionNumber, page, chapter... within collection

Register of Gregory VII

book 4, no 6