G7LDB - Gregory 7th Letter Database
Database of the Letters of Pope Gregory VII (1073-1085): Which letter is in which collection?


Registrum IV, 3

Common name of letterRegistrum IV, 3
Pages in Caspar's edition from 297 to 300 (â–ºdMGH)
Number in JL 5002
Type of document(Normal) letter
(from Caspar's edition)
Gregory VII urges all the faithful either to accept Henry IV again as king if he does penance regarding the case of the banned counsellors and the primate of the Church or before the election of a new king present the candidate to the pope.
Place of issueLaurentum
Date of issue1076 September 03
Address lines GREGORIUS episcopus servus servorum Dei omnibus dilectis in Christo fratribus et coepiscopis ducibus comitibus universis quoque fidem christianam defendentibus in regno videlicet Teutonico habitantibus salutem et omnium peccatorum absolutionem per apostolicam benedictionem
IncipitSi litteras, quibus Heinricus dictus rex...
Datum line Data Laurenti III Nonas Septembris Indictione incipiente XV
Is included in
Name of collectionNumber, page, chapter... within collection

Register of Gregory VII

book 4, no 3