G7LDB - Gregory 7th Letter Database
Database of the Letters of Pope Gregory VII (1073-1085): Which letter is in which collection?


Registrum II, 48

Common name of letterRegistrum II, 48
Page in Caspar's edition188 (â–ºdMGH)
Number in JL 4925
Type of document(Normal) letter
(from Caspar's edition)
Gregory VII orders his legates Abbot Gepizo of S. Bonifazio and Abbot Maurus of S. Saba to admonish Count Rainer to do penance in Rome due to his misconduct.
Place of issueRome
Date of issue1075 January 16
Address lines GREGORIUS episcopus servus servorum Dei Gepizo abbati sancti Bonifatii et Mauro abbati sancti Sabae salutem et apostolicam benedictionem
IncipitNotum vobis est, quod Rainerius Ugizonis quondam...
Datum line Data Rome XVII Kalendas Februarii Indictione XIII
Is included in
Name of collectionNumber, page, chapter... within collection

Register of Gregory VII

book 2, no 48