G7LDB - Gregory 7th Letter Database
Database of the Letters of Pope Gregory VII (1073-1085): Which letter is in which collection?


Ep. vagans 71 (†? = suspicious)

Common name of letterEp. vagans 71
Pages in Cowdrey's edition from 155 to 156
Type of document(Normal) letter
(from Cowdrey's edition)
Gregory VII instructs Bishop Amatus of Oléron to hold a council and settle a dispute between Arnald I the abbot of Saint-Sever (dioc. Aire) and Abbot Arnald Trencardus of Ste. Croix (Bordeaux), regarding the church of Soulac.
Place of issueBenevento
Date of issue1079 April 25
(Maybe wrong. See Th. Schieffer, Die päpstlichen Legaten in Frankreich S. 84 Note 20, S. 112 note 138, also JL 6066)
Address lines Gregorius episcopus servus servorum Dei fratri Amato sancte Romane aecclesie vicario salutem et apostolicam benedictionem
IncipitDe querela filii nostri Arnaldi abbatis...
Datum line Data vii kal. Madii Beneventani
CommentaryHoffmann 1976 p. 113: "Da Cowdrey sein negatives Urteil nicht begründet, wird man das Stück, wiewohl mit einigem Zögern, einstweilen als echt akzeptieren dürfen."
Is included in
Name of collectionNumber, page, chapter... within collection

Paris BN 8878

fol. 289v