G7LDB - Gregory 7th Letter Database
Database of the Letters of Pope Gregory VII (1073-1085): Which letter is in which collection?


Ep. vagans 9

Common name of letterEp. vagans 9
Pages in Cowdrey's edition from 18 to 22
Number in JL 4970
Type of document(Normal) letter
(from Cowdrey's edition)
Gregory insists upon his sanctions against simony and clerical unchastity, reproves Bishop Otto of Constance for disobedience conniving at the marriage of his clergy, and summons him to Rome.
Date of issue between 1075 October 01 and 1075 December 31
Address lines Gregorius servus servorum Dei Ottoni Constantiensi episcopo salutem et apostolicam benedictionem
IncipitPerlatum est ad nos...
Is included in
(11 different items)
Name of collection Copied from here by Number, page, chapter... within collection Textual features Fons formalis

Codex Udalrici

NO 142, col. 141-143

Hypothetical collection g

Hannover Collection

NO 17

Hypothetical collection ha

Hugh of Flavigny, Chronicon

book 2, p. 426-427

Also quoted on p. 424 and 423

Hypothetical collection Bernold's collection

Hypothetical collection Bernold's collection

Sélestat 13

Hugh of Flavigny, Chronicon

Manegold of Lautenbach, Liber ad Gebehardum

Paul of Bernried, Vita Gregorii VII

Hypothetical collection g

Codex Udalrici

Wolfenbüttel Collection

Hypothetical collection p

Hypothetical collection ha

Hannover Collection

Hypothetical collection p

Hypothetical collection p

Hypothetical collection ha

Hypothetical collection g

Manegold of Lautenbach, Liber ad Gebehardum

cap. 11, p. 333

just a part

Hypothetical collection Bernold's collection

Paul of Bernried, Vita Gregorii VII

cap. 37, p. 490-492

Hypothetical collection Bernold's collection

Sélestat 13

fol. 41r-41v

Hypothetical collection Bernold's collection

Wolfenbüttel Collection

NO 18, fol. 43v-44v

Hypothetical collection g

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