G7LDB - Gregory 7th Letter Database
Database of the Letters of Pope Gregory VII (1073-1085): Which letter is in which collection?


Deusdedit, Collectio canonum

Common name of collectionDeusdedit, Collectio canonum
Type of collectionCanon collection (explanation and all of this type)
Date (relevant parts)between 1083 and 1087
Bibliographical referenceDie Kanonessammlung des Kardinals Deusdedit, ed. Victor Wolf von Glanvell (Paderborn 1905)
(21 different items)
Name of letter Copied from here by Number, page, chapter... within collection Textual features

Registrum VII, 13

book 1, cap. 246, p. 142


Registrum VII, 14

book 1, cap. 246, p. 142


Registrum VI, 2

book 1, cap. 247, p. 143

just a small part

Registrum II, 67

book 1, cap. 248, p. 144

just a small bit

Registrum IX, 14

book 3, cap. 60, p. 293

just a small bit

Registrum I, 70

book 3, cap. 270, p. 378

just a little part

Registrum VIII, 23

Collectio Britannica

book 3, cap. 272, p. 379

final part

Registrum II, 13

book 3, cap. 273, p. 380

just parts

Registrum II, 63

book 3, cap. 274, p. 381

just parts

Registrum II, 70

book 3, cap. 275, p. 381

small part

Registrum II, 74

book 3, cap. 276, p. 381

just a part

Registrum IV, 28

book 3, cap. 277, p. 382

just a part

Registrum VIII, 1b (No 'real' letter)

book 3, cap. 287, p. 395

Registrum VIII, 1a (No 'real' letter)

book 3, cap. 288, p. 395

different actum-part

Registrum VIII, 21

book 4, cap. 184, p. 489

just a part

Registrum II, 45

book 4, cap. 186, p. 491

just parts

Registrum IV, 12a (No 'real' letter)

book 4, cap. 421, p. 597

different list of witnesses

Registrum IX, 3

book 4, cap. 422, p. 598

just the oath

Registrum III, 17a

book 4, cap. 424, p. 600

Guibertus instead of Robertus

Registrum V, 17

book 4, cap. 425, p. 378

just the oath

Registrum IX, 12ab (No 'real' letter)

book 4, cap. 426, p. 601

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