G7LDB - Gregory 7th Letter Database
Database of the Letters of Pope Gregory VII (1073-1085): Which letter is in which collection?


Paris BN 1458

Common name of collectionParis BN 1458
Type of collectionLetter collection (explanation and all of this type)
Date (relevant parts)12th century
Bibliographical referenceParis, Bibliothèque nationale lat. 1458 (Colbert. 2576)
Commentarycf. Wolf v. Glanvell, Die Kanonessammlung des Kard. Deusdedit, Einl. p. XXV ff .); cf. Brial in Bouquet, Recueil ed. Brial 14, 654 N. a, Analecta iuria pontificii 10, 416 n. 54
Name of letterNumber, page, chapter... within collectionTextual features

Registrum IX, 24

fol. 161r

Ep. vagans 53

fol. 161v

just a fragment