G7LDB - Gregory 7th Letter Database
Database of the Letters of Pope Gregory VII (1073-1085): Which letter is in which collection?


Conrad, Vita Wolfhelmi

Common name of collectionConrad, Vita Wolfhelmi
Type of collectionNarrative source (explanation and all of this type)
Date (relevant parts)between 1110 and 1123
Bibliographical referenceEx vita Wolfhelmi abbatis Brunwilarensis auctore Conrado - 1091, ed. Wilmans (MGH SS 12, Hannover 1856) p. 180-195
CommentaryWritten at Brauweiler. No manuscript survives.
Name of letterNumber, page, chapter... within collectionTextual features

Ep. vagans 20 († = spurious)

cap. 14, p. 187-188
