Visualization of Four-Dimensional Spacetimes

An Immersive Virtual Environment for Special Relativity

virtual environment This video gives a good impression of the immersive virtual environment for special relativity, as presented in Sect. 6.4 of the thesis. The video was recorded during a typical simulation in a CAVE-like environment.

The first sequence shows a simulation with Saturn. Acceleration in all three dimensions is used, there are no constraints on the movement of the viewpoint. The second scene is a box-shaped room which contains simple objects such as a cube, sphere, torus, etc. Textures are attached to all objects to visualize relativistic effects on the surface. Acceleration is restricted to the horizontal plane. The focus is on how the user can control the movement of the vehicle. No tracking is used. The third sequence also uses the box-shaped room. Here, the difference between tracking of position and tracking of velocity and position is presented. The last simulation takes place in a virtual gallery.

The rendered images are results of a perspective projection which depends on the position of the user's head. The position of the video camera is different from the user's position, which causes apparent cracks along the screen boundaries. The user, however, perceives a correct three-dimensional world. The three-dimensional menu is at rest in the CUBE and is subject to the perspective projection onto the screens but not to relativistic transformations. The video was recorded with a shutter speed of only six Hertz. This causes some artifacts, especially when the rendered images are rapidly changing. This video was shown at the WSCG 2000 conference.

Length: 4:32 min